terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

A nova contabilidade

O já varias vezes aqui referenciado Professor Fekete decidiu fazer um pouco de necrologia no seu mais recente artigo e fala-nos das contas dos bancos e dos artifícios contabilísticos tão em voga e patrocinados pela administração Obama e pela Reserva Federal Norte-Americana. Numa altura em que os resultados dos bancos e os seus lucros são causa de admiração apenas para os menos informados é um artigo que vale bem a pena ler para se perceber porque é que estes resultados publicados nada mais são que mentiras e o resultado prático de um exercício de “contabilidade criativa”.

Do artigo:
In 2009 we are wondering what has hit our banks. No mystery there. It was not subprime mortgages nor other loose lending practices. The banking crisis is entirely self-inflicted or, more precisely, government-inflicted the origins of which go back almost ninety years: faking balance sheets. That practice cannot go on forever. The day of reckoning comes when capital is called upon to do what it is supposed to do: to tie over the bank during a temporary setback. The kitty is opened, and found empty. Bank capital is gone […] we have a fully-fledged banking crisis on hand, and the FDIC will soon face its first real test since its establishment in the 1930’s. Is deposit “insurance” a myth as suggested by Palyi, designed to mislead the public? There is plenty of evidence that it is.


The much advertised “stress-test”, no doubt, is using the same metric that has steered the banking system to the ground during the past four-and-a-half score of years: the metric assuming that government bonds can never lose value, and bank balance sheets are there to falsify based on that false metric.


The moment of truth has arrived. You cannot fool all the people all of the time. The Emperor is naked: the tailors who created his garments are impostors.

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