quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2010

Como funciona o mercado livre

Vejam o capitalismo selvagem em acção, está claro que assim o que é preciso é mais entidades para regularem os reguladores. Ou talvez, só talvez, acabar com o raio do banco central.

Every morning, the so-called Market Operations Committee (MOC) of the ECB analyzes the situation. The committee, whose members the ECB does not identify, supports the central bank in its monetary policy affairs, foreign currency transactions and the management of currency reserves. But the MOC has also become the bridge from which the central bankers are managing the euro crisis.

The Bundesbank's representative on the MOC is Joachim Nagel, head of the central bank's markets department. In closed-door sessions, he and his fellow committee members determine when and for what amounts the ECB and the euro-zone central banks, in concerted actions, buy up the government bonds of highly indebted euro countries to support their prices and thus maintain yields at a tolerable level.

The central bankers have informally agreed on what constitutes this tolerable level. The MOC's goal is to manipulate the markets in such a way that bond prices level off at the values that were in place on April 9, before investors, fearing that the governments could default on their bonds, launched into a massive sell-off of the securities.

Artigo original.

2 comentários:

ricardo disse...

A crise é tão grande, que até no BCE, já perderam o juízo.
A coisa vai acabar mal!

Sérgio disse...

Já não deve faltar muito para que o único comprador seja o próprio ECB, isto deve ser o melhor exemplo de um mercado socialista... prontinho a rebentar!