quarta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2009

Ainda os titulos de divida publica...

Deixo um artigo com um olhar bastante atento ao mercado de titulos de divida publica dos EUA, desta vez em inglês. Um pequeno excerto:

The other big culprit in this government bond bubble has been so-called sophisticated hedge funds. They are playing a game of “musical chairs”. They are planning to “ride the wave” while bigger fools buy Treasuries from them. They, of course, hope to get out before the music stops.

When the music does stop, this hedge fund behavior will only lead to everyone rushing for the exits at the same time. As usually happens, most will not get out in time. I continue to maintain the following – I don't care whether a bubble is created by greed or as in this case – fear. A bubble is still a bubble and will end badly as bubbles always do.

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